Helium Leak Detection – Container Closure Integrity Testing

By pace_developer

Helium Leak Detection is not only a robust and reliable solution for ensuring Container Closure Integrity (CCI) for critical parenteral applications – but the technology is also well suited for package design, failure analysis, tooling qualification, line setup and validation, and product quality monitoring. Helium Leak Detection technology is a highly sensitive leak test providing quantitative … Continued

Vacuum Decay – Container Closure Integrity Testing

By pace_developer

Vacuum decay is a proven non-destructive test method. The principle behind vacuum decay leak testing make it one of the most simple and effective package integrity tests. The leak tester connects to a test chamber that is specifically designed to contain the package to be tested. The test is performed by placing a package into the … Continued

ZebraSci Highlighted in Drug Development & Delivery

By pace_developer

Key topics covered include: ZebraSci has extensive expertise with syringes and device platforms from the world’s leading manufacturers makes us uniquely qualified to support your device development program. By fully characterizing prefilled syringe performance characteristics upfront, our clients gain an edge when it comes to initial device selection and life-cycle management down the road. Our testing and … Continued

ZebraSci – an ISO 17025 Laboratory

By pace_developer

“I am happy to announce ZebraSci has successfully completed our ISO 17025:2005 certification audit with no issues! I am proud of all our team members who worked so hard during the past year to implement and support our QMS and contract laboratory testing business,” states Rob Schultheis, President of ZebraSci, “I look forward to continuous … Continued